Streaming – TD Ottawa Jazz Festival- Tenacity

Great news! The Ottawa Jazz Festival is streaming online from June 19th to the 28th. Catch some live and improvisational shows, that will feature a slew of local talent and also from all over the globe.  


Today they kicked off their virtu-fest, Tenacity, with James Hale interviewing pianist Kris Davis, saxophonist Anna Webber, and trumpeter Lina Allemano. They discussed the various challenges they faced while in quarantine and the methods they used with their  Free Improvisation experiment.

The trio’s Free Improvisation experiment was a mix of prerecorded and live edited streams, a fantastic example of how artists are finding ways to be creative during the lock down. They added some nice screen effects which were perfectly suitable for their improv and the sound.

It is quite remarkable how in sync the musicians were, considering they were not in the same place at the same time. It was enlightening because I really had no idea how many sounds and effects a trumpet or a saxophone can produce! This is an event you must see especially if you are an experimental musician. 

If you are able and would like to donate to the Ottawa Jazz festival, hit the link below: